Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sometime Be A Girlfriend Is Difficult...

Now i writing this is not want to complain or anything, i just want to write out my feeling, and it is very normal thing. Sometime when he did not "work" (training) and i can go out so ask him to go out, but he say very tired and did not feel want to go out...because i cannot go out whenever i want , i have to ask my mum before i go out, so sometime my mum would not let me go out one, but when i say i can out then he do not want to go out...ok this is normal, because i had angry him before and argue also...
But since that day i went out with him, then inside car he told me actually he did not feel want to go out today, then i ask u want to do what?...he say go gym lo, i say we long time did not meet already, he say got msn ma...then he say he long time did not go gym already, so i ask why you do not want to say we long time did not meet already and go out wit me, then he quiet and smile, i also do not want to say much , later argue again, i just forget about it and go enjoy on that day...
I long time did not think so much already, but few days ago start again, just a little bit la, not that serious...haha...i think is it he really like to workout until girlfriend also can put it aside? i not say i do not want he go for gym and i know is his hobby but i really feel he can go gym until do not want to go out wit his girlfriend.
That day after eat at sunway then go for shopping, then he face look like very tired and want to go back already, before i thought can shop with him 2 or 3 hours like that, but 1 hour also haven reach then he say want to go back already, then i say already he accompany me awhile then i also not that mood want to shop already then go back le...very boring go out with him like that.
So today he work at 2 pm, and i was at my cousin, actaully i can go and find for breakfast one, but i think if i call him he sure say he go gym again, so finally i decide do not want to find him already. just go back home. sad...
And don't know is together long already sometime will get boring when find him, although long time no see, and i scare if really can together until very long , like 10 years later will how?...haiz...actually is not a problem but i don't know why sometime very boring...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I had learn something new during this holiday...

Last sunday i was followed my aunty them go for a "tzu chi" at bukit jalil indoor stadium, and their purpose is to help who are suffer is this world, it is very meaningful....
I had learned many from there, and from there i can feel it that we are very happiness in this world although sometime we cannot get all the things when want it, but is still alive and live in this world with our lovely parents and siblings.
Sometime i will think if my parents not beside me already i will how?especially my mummy, when i think my tears will come out because i really very love one can instead her, she is the best is my life...if other people do not know my mummy they will think that my mummy very fierce but actually she is a very nice person and very don't get scare from my mummy oh...
This few days i was thinking why so many people look good and trust at me, especially my grandma, aunty and uncle them...finally i get the answer already>>>is because my mummy always teach me how to be a good girl, and she teach through scold and bit *when small la...haha*
Last time i was small and dunno why mummy keep scold us, and now i know already...when small she scold i will think why always scold me and bit me, and i dunno why, somemore go and think why cannot like other friend parents like that, talk to them and did not scold them...
But now i had grow up, i know why she always scold and bit me already, because she don't want her daughter be a bad and rude girl...that why i have a good personality TODAY...i am very happy she teach me until be a good girl and know how to think of other people and take care of them, if not may be i will like someone who always let other people say bad on her *want to know who is that?...haha...cannot tell you oh, secret...shhhhh...*
But sometime i very notty make her angry...sorry mummy, i am not purposely make you angry is because sometime you really no give me some freedom, i feel very stress, because i just go out with my friend you keep calling me go back home faster, did not give me some freedom go and relax...
It is not your fault also, because you also want me safety only ask me go back home early...sometime really "mao dun", wants to understand you but i have no freedom, if don't want to understand and go argue with you , i have done wrong...i really dunno how to solve it, just have to wait i really grow up and work already you only can let me go...
But how also i wants to say thank you to you , mummy...because no you then no me, i am good also because of you^^

Mummy, i love you...muacksss

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


1. 最多女强人:双子
2. 最少女强人:巨蟹
3. 最会逗人开心:天秤
4. 最会投机取巧:双子
5. 最不会投机取巧:山羊
6. 最没有肚量:山羊
7. 最有肚量:射手
8. 最不会讨人欢心:狮子
9. 最会讨人欢心:双鱼
10. 最有异性缘:金牛& 天秤& 天蝎& 处女
11. 最理智:山羊& 处女
12. 最易被骗:双鱼
13. 最不易上当:天蝎
14. 最吹毛求庇:处女
15. 最大而化之:牡羊& 射手
16. 最不肯吃亏:处女
17. 最会讨价还价:处女
18. 最输不起:天秤& 狮子
19. 最感性:巨蟹
20. 最知性:处女& 水瓶
21. 最理性:水瓶
22. 最性感:天蝎
23. 最有正义 感:牡羊& 狮子
24. 最有同情心:双鱼& 巨蟹
25. 最没有同情心:水瓶
26. 最可能晚婚:处女
27. 离婚率最高:双子vs 处女
28. 最痴情:巨蟹
29. 最有求知欲:处女
30. 最爱往外跑:射手
31. 最爱在家里:巨蟹
32. 最没原则:双子
33. 最难理解:水瓶
34. 最不会计较:巨蟹
35. 最会计较:处女
36. 最没有秘密:狮子
37. 最易被理解:狮子& 牡羊
38. 最神秘:天蝎
39. 最不相信人性:天蝎
40. 最拘谨:处女
41. 最客观:天秤
42. 最主观:狮子
43. 最喜欢刺激:射手& 牡羊& 双子
44. 最爱好和平:金牛& 巨蟹& 射手
45. 最易羞涩:金牛& 巨蟹& 天蝎
46. 最喜欢独处:水瓶
47. 直? 踝钭?~ 双鱼
48. 生气时最可怕:天蝎
49. 最会看人脸色:双子
50. 最敢与众不同:水瓶
51. 最迟钝:金牛
52. 反应最快:双子
53. 最优柔寡断:天秤
54. 最不重视纪律:射手& 水瓶
55. 最不体贴:双子
56. 翻脸最彻底:天蝎
57. 最重视考试:山羊& 处女
58. 最想出头天:山羊
59. 最不修边幅:射手
60. 最势利眼:处女
61. 最会攀关系:双子
62. 最不势头眼:双鱼
63. 最不会内疚:天秤
64. 最冲动:牡羊& 牡羊& 狮子
65. 最大男人主义:天蝎& 牡羊
66. 最值得信赖:山羊
67. 最会记恨:处女& 天蝎
68. 记忆力最好:双鱼
69. 最不会记恨:天秤& 射手
70. 最公正:天秤
71. 最念旧:双鱼
72. 最矛盾:双子
73. 最多重性格:双子
74. 时常最正经:金牛
75. 最不喜欢交朋友:天蝎
76. 最有耐心:金牛
77. 最没耐心:射手& 狮子
78. 最喜欢交朋友:射手& 天秤
79. 最容易交到坏朋友:射手
80. 最会讲电话:天秤
81. 最温柔:金牛
82. 最体贴:巨蟹
83. 最不会看脸色:射手
84. 最讲义气:天蝎& 狮子
85. 最不讲义气:水瓶
86. 最懒:水瓶
87. 最好辩:双子 b& 水瓶& 牡羊& 天秤& 双鱼
88. 最雄辩:天秤& 水瓶
89. 最受不了被批评:山羊
90. 最易感觉满足:巨蟹
91. 最固执:金牛
92. 最守秩序:金牛
93. 最可能当黑马:水瓶
94. 最会临时抱佛脚:双子& 射手
95. 最怕浪费:金牛
96. 最怕肉麻:山羊
97. 最有上进心:山羊
98. 最大胆:牡羊
99. 最重视外表:天秤
100. 择偶条件最高:处女
101. 最多壮身材:牡羊& 金牛
102. 最多女性娇小:金牛
103. 最会突发奇想:双子& 射手& 水瓶
104. 最会做生意:山羊& 天蝎
105. 最不会做生意:巨蟹
106. 最喜欢烹饪:金牛
107. 最悲观:双鱼
108. 最乐观:射手
109. 最重视传统:金牛& 巨蟹
110. 最多金嗓子:金牛
111. 最怕改变:金牛
112. 最勇于改变:牡羊
113. 最禁的起玩笑:射手
114. 最重视精神层面:水瓶
115. 最不重视精神层面:射手
116. 最有保护欲:狮子
117. 最可能有收集癖:水瓶& 双子
118. 最自信:狮子
119. 最不怕上镜头:牡羊
120. 最有人情味:巨蟹
121. 最不浪漫:山羊
122. 最浪漫:双鱼
123. 最重视真凭实据:处女
124. 最有崇洋倾向:天秤
125. 最我行我素:水瓶
126. 最有服务欲:双鱼
127. 最积极:牡羊
128. 最会伤人心:射手
129. 最胆小:巨蟹
130. 动作最慢:金牛
131. 动作最快:射手
132. 最粗鲁:牡羊
133. 最守时:狮子& 处女
134. 最不守时:双鱼
135. 最悠哉:天秤
136. 最会利用时间:金牛
137. 最会丢三忘四:射手
138. 最阴险:天蝎
139. 最喜欢热闹:狮子
140. 最怕吵:天蝎
141. 最需要自我空间:水瓶
142. 最会口是心非:天蝎& 双子& 处女
143. 最不会口是心非:射手
144. 最深谋远虑:天蝎
145. 占有欲最强:天蝎
146. 最会拖时间:水瓶
147. 最不会拖时间:处女
148. 最不正经:双子
149. 最爱烦恼:巨蟹& 山羊
150. 最不会烦恼:牡羊& 射手
151. 最多帅哥:射手
152. 最多美女:水瓶
153. 最多帅哥美女:天秤
154. 最适合做 007 :天蝎
155. 好奇心最强:牡羊
156. 最会告白:牡羊& 狮子
157. 最不可能主动告白:处女
158. 最善变:双子
159. 最墨守旧法:金牛
160. 最不快乐:山羊
161. 最快乐:射手
162. 最易神经质:双子& 双鱼
163. 最易紧张:双子
164. 最时髦:天秤
165. 最拿得起放得下:双子& 射手
166. 最爱出锋头:狮子& 天秤
167. 最不爱出锋头:巨蟹& 金牛
168. 最暴躁:狮子
169. 最爱干净:处女
170. 最会自我解嘲:双子
171. 最好逸恶劳:天秤
172. 最好色:天蝎
173. 最爱撒娇:双鱼
174. 最诚实:射手
175. 最有人缘:双子
176. 最顾家:巨蟹
177. 品味最古怪:水瓶
178. 最喜欢指挥别人:狮子
179. 最爱美:天秤
180. 最有艺术气质:金牛
181. 最善良:巨蟹
182. 最有书卷味:双鱼
183. 最圆滑处事:双子
184. 灾难中最冷静:水瓶
185. 灾难中最不冷静:狮子& 牡羊
186. 最易犯罪:射手& 牡羊
187. 最女性化:水瓶& 金牛
188. 最阳刚味:牡羊
189. 最易致富:山羊& 处女
190. 最好赌:射手
191. 最不好赌:金牛
192. 最易养成说谎习惯:双鱼
193. 最爱装傻:牡羊
194. 最会吃:金牛
195. 最善于分析事情:处女
196. 最易分心:双子
197. 注意力最集中:山羊
198. 最会追求感官享受:天秤
199. 最怕无聊:射手& 双子
200. 最怕寂寞:狮子
201. 最不怕透露隐私:双子
202. 最会学第二语言:双子
203. 最致力学课本外的东西:水瓶
204. 最重自尊:狮子
205. 最有时间观念:处女
206. 最贪睡:水瓶
207. 最爱看电视:处女& 天秤
208. 最会胡思乱想:双鱼
209. 最爱幻想:水瓶& 双鱼
210. 最实际:处女
211. 最不会判断是非:射手
212. 最会运动:射手
213. 最易与人一言不和:牡羊
214. 最勤奋:金牛& 山羊
215. 最会保密:天蝎
216. 最不会保密:双鱼
217. 最有判断力:处女& 天蝎
218. 最会聊天:水瓶
219. 最爱用功:山羊
220. 最不爱用功:射手
221. 最纯洁:处女
222. 最喜欢穿彩色衣服:狮子
223. 最佳工作拍档:处女vs 山羊
224. 最可能国际联姻:双子
225. 最多嫁入豪门:双子& 双鱼
226. 运气最好:双子
227. 最会花钱:天秤
228. 最自恋:狮子& 天秤
229. 最喜欢大自然:水瓶
230. 最会肢体语言:双子
231. 最喜欢黑色:天蝎
232. 最多夜猫族:双鱼
233. 最常作鬼脸:双鱼
234. 最光明磊落:狮子
235. 最会检讨自己:处女& 巨蟹
236. 最无性别概念:水瓶
237. 最会挖秘密:天蝎
238. 最有个人魅力:天蝎
239. 最让人觉得是怪人:水瓶
240. 最爱钱:金牛
241. 最看不起钱:水瓶
242. 用情最专一:巨蟹
243. 最不懂人情世故:射手
244. 最礼尚往来:金牛
245. 话最少:天蝎